PhD... in "progress"

It has been quite some time since the idea of doing a PhD got into my mind. It was in June 2018 when I had the entrance exam. I still remember this exact day when I submitted my thesis proposal. Today, one and half a year later, looking back, the facepalm effect is so massive I can't help but laugh at myself. Not all of it though, since here has been ups and downs. During that time, the number of responsibility lanes has been growing steadily (not only study-related) and sometimes I tell myself it's gonna be over soon. See, this is where the irony kicks in. "S.O.O.N.", I wonder what it officially stands for. I only understand from experience that soon means in the far far away future.

It is interesting though when a scholar has an idea, he usually brainstorms it off during a hot meeting and most of the time it will just fade away even if he took notes. So basically he ends up with so many ideas, but with so little work done. Somehow it connects to one saying by Thomas Edison, "Vision without execution is just hallucination". There are many people with great visions and there are many people with great commitment, but few have both.


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