After ten years, throw a dart at a map. Move where ever it lands for the rest of your life.

Hmpfh... sounds about right, and interestingly, I do reckon this idea somewhat adventurous.

So I saw an old post the other day titled The At-Home PhD Simulator -- words of wisdom of the ones who came before -- it brought up some thinking in my heart. I started my PhD journey about one year ago and there has been so much to do I didn't have time to think about what will become of me after I finish (meaning what do I do after it's over). If I follow the dart thing, I might end up at sea, who knows, there's more water than land. And burning my papers? It seems silly and all but if that's how they felt and experienced, I'd better prepare myself for the worst, or the best, so I don't become silly, should the occasion arise.

Lastly, just one reminder: dddd..doing research is hard and you have to love it and do it for the fun of it otherwise it will all be the waste of your time.


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