Your Truth

 Your feelings are your truth. Truth, unless it's your own personal truth, still remains untrue. In other words, if you believe in it, if you don't resonate with it, if it doesn't feel right in your own heart, it is not your truth.

Falling in love is beautiful, it's the man's highest honor to receive the emotions and love of his woman. It should be protected appreciated and nurtured. It's something that you'd be happy about but not something that should define you. It should be a blessing in your life, not a burden. All intimate relationships have the beginnings of casual love affairs. It's simply not only never ended, but continued to expand under the constant and consistent efforts of all involved. Always make sure that the people who you fall in love with are reciprocating through their actions, not just their words. Being in love and being loved by someone who is in love with you is a gift that makes life even better than it already was. If you are single, seek to make your life great so you can attract someone who also has a great life with who you can share and expand your greatness together.


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