Keep it on fire

Garden of Worlds city view

Feelings, even the ones we have for someone else, don't last too long. They have a diminishing effect, gradually melting away as if they were a virus being pushed back by our autoimmune system. No one expects viruses to get emotional, but they do.

Feelings come and then go. When they come, time won't matter, space won't matter, distance won't matter, nor anything else. But with time, with time only, they fade away -- just like the wind blowing in one direction, never coming back. The only thing we must do is to keep our hearts alight, keep our hearts on fire and never let it stop burning. Because in the end, withered hearts are the saddest thing a human being can carry around until he dies.

P.S.: You are a sea of passion. Your ardor is the source of my inspiration, for what you do always reminds me of how much you mean to me.


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